Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wondering what's in the April 2009 issue of Kaleidotrope? Well wonder no more!


"The Tenant" by Mark Rich
"Louis Jazz, Son of God" by Ward Crockett
"Malkazaar’s Food & Beverage Department" by Eric Stever
"Replicate Fade" by Heather Clitheroe
"To the Body" by Joshua Landers
"House Call" by Beth Hudson
"Single Handed" by Simon Petrie
"Evil Sleeps in Pink Pajamas" by Casey Fiesler
"The Eye of the Beheader" by Shannon Anthony
"Little Precious" by Carolyn Watson
"The Art of Biting" by Rachel Swirsky
"The Almost-Adventures of Immaculada Footstool" by Katy Wimhurst
"Passion Play" by Carol K. Howell
"Dust to Dust" by Kurt Kirchmeier


"We Killed the Morale Officer on Sweetest Day" by Matt Betts
"Julian's Brides" by Kristine Ong Muslim
"A Voice Not Her Own" by Jason Heller
"Uninvited Guest" by G.O. Clark
"Wizard Fight on Sixth Street" by Nicky Drayden
"Twenty Third Century Research Grant" by klipshutz
"Field of Passion" by Sergio Ortiz
"Pommes frites" by Mike Estabrook
"Justifiable Ecocide" by R.A. Allen
"Rain Angel" by Thomas Zimmerman
"Morning in the Scrapyard" by Beth Langford


Creighton Matthews
Joe Eden
Rose Bordett
Amy Law
Mark Nunez
Sophie Johnson

You can advance purchase issue #6 here. Copies will be shipping out soon!

1 comment:

Matt said...

Woo Hoo!

Awww. I was hoping for a look at the cover art when I clicked the link.