Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Back when I first heard about Pixish -- "a place where people who want images and people who make images can easily find each other and collaborate on creative projects together" -- I set up an account and posted an assignment. I've been very lucky to feature some great artists over the past four issues of Kaleidotrope -- from the covers by Remi Treuer and Jim Cleaveland, to interior artwork by a long list of talented people -- but I'm always on the lookout for work that I think will complement the stories and poems in each issue.

Still, I posted my assignment pretty much as a lark. So much of a lark that I promptly forgot all about it. I certainly wasn't expecting anyone to take it seriously.

And yet I find, upon visiting the website again, that there are now close to 50 submissions. If you'd like, I think you can go in and vote on them -- although I'm not sure how much, if at all, that will play into my decision-making. Some of the submissions are very good, although obviously even some of those will not work well with the realities of Kaleidotrope's printing (black and white, photocopied). I'm going to need to take a closer look at all of them.

Officially, the assignment closes on August 1, but I think I may try posting another one as soon as that's done.

This time, I just need to remember it.

[cross-posted to Occasional Fish]

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