Wednesday, November 01, 2006

John Kuhn, whose poem "Near Sillustani" appears in the first issue of Kaleidotrope, had some really nice things to say about the final product:
Now, I'm not just saying this because my wimpy little poem is in there, and if you read two posts back, you know I'd be honest if I didn't like the 'zine. But--this magazine was VERY WELL-DONE. Wonderfully so! First of all, Fred Coppersmith has a wicked sense of humor. If you get the 'zine, be sure and read the little things you usually skim past, like the little box on the cover page with all the publication info in it. He slips little one-liners in there that are really funny. Make sure you check out the horoscope on page 42, too. I actually laughed audibly once. I'm very, very impressed...after the prior unfortunate experience with the unnamed "magazine", my faith in the small press is soundly restored. I'm proud that my work appears in this little 'zine. Card stock cover, lots of artwork, crisp black and white photos all over the place, the humor sprinkled in odd places, great use of space, great mix of fiction and poetry and an essay or two, fastidious editing and attention to detail. The fonts look fantastic. I haven't found a typo yet. And there's Bruce Boston, Kristine Ong Muslim, and Aurelio Rico Lopez--people I've read before. Kaleidotrope is a very professional-looking magazine, and it's just the first issue...I see a fine future for Fred Coppersmith...I hope he continues to publish this magazine for a long time to come!
My thanks to John for the kind words, and again to all my contributors, without whom this issue wouldn't have been possible.

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